Saturday, January 5, 2008

Squirrels - Just Say... Not!

I just do not get the deal with squirrels.

They are the equivalent of furry terrorists, they invade my space, eat all the scrap food in the area, scare off other dog friendly animals like birds, and they smell bad. So...why would you want them around?

Naturally, I see it as my job - no my duty - to keep the yard and a de-squirrelled zone of about 200 feet beyond clear of squirrels. I know what needs to be done. I'm a terrier. The genes are just there to do this. Each morning, midday break, afternoon walk and...ok, anytime I go outside..I take a running start, lunge off the deck in the direction of the squirrel feeder barking as loud as I can. It takes all squirrels in the yard milliseconds to scramble through the fence into the safety of the trees on the other side. Very effective I would say. Now, that is the first step. The next is to continue barking while looking up into the trees to send the message that: "I know you are still there and I won't stop until I don't smell you anymore. Eventually, they leave for some peace of mind and I know one day they will not return having found a backyard that is undefended.

Oh, did I say squirrel feeder! Oh yes, daddy has built one IN the backyard...yeah. Now I know he dislikes the critters as much as me so what is the deal? He laughs when the squirrels scatter. I even hear a "good girl" once in a while. Well, nice, but you could make my job easier - tear down the feeder! Oh, no, if I need to bark for more than two minutes, it is no more "good girl" but: "That's enough, Lola." Or, if I continue: "I said enough!" And, if I continue to continue: "Lola!!" loud enough that not only the squirrels but all wildlife for 500 feet around clear the area.

So what does he want me to do? Bark a couple of times and, if the squirrels are still hanging around, say: "Now, guys, I really mean it - you got to get out of those trees. Yeah, the ones your sitting in now. The next one, no that one is not yours either. Over there? Well, if you promise not to come to the feeder to eat any more corn, I guess it is alright."

At times, I think he wants to turn me into a "talking terrier." He's the talker.

I'm the Terrible Terrier.

If anyone can help me understand how he thinks, please, let me know.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas "Holidays" You Say??

The holidays got to be a little stressful with all the preparations, waiting and picture taking as you can see from this photo. Antlers...really! OK, why didn't Daddy have to put on the white beard and fat tummy?

I did get some gifts that I'm happy with so maybe it was all worth it. Let' see..Mommy & Daddy gave me a nerf football (but they won't play ball with me in the house), a pull toy that looks like a snowman (cute), and a tiny stuffed fish (wish it was edible and may eat it anyway). London, my Yorkie cousin, and Eric gave me a stuffed mailman chew toy (probably so I wouldn't chew on his anymore). Vanessa gave me a gingerbread pull toy (but she's not here much to play with me). Sandra, Mommy's sister, did much better with her choice - homemade dog cookies! Now that's a gift fit for a dog. But my Uncle Roy got me the best gift of all - a gift bag with four bags of treats that I am still eating. Woof...woof.

Why do humans give so many gifts at Christmas? It is tiring just opening them and when they are all opened, I do not know which ones to play with first and which ones to eat. I like it better when I get a gift a day like when Mommy goes shopping and brings something home for me.

Well, all things ended happily. After opening some of my gifts and eating many of my treats, it was time for a short nap so I decided to open the rest later.

Island Friends

Just a few words at the start of the new year to my friends on the street in Puerto Rico:


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Comments Please

I would like to hear from you so, please place your paw on the “comments” link below any of my posts that leaves you wanting to say something and do it in the box with the title “Leave your comment.”

Then all you have to do is copy one of those squirrely words and choose an identity like you were going to a masquerade party. You have three choices. You can sign in to my blog with your username and password from any of six accounts or sign up for a Google Account (they are good for some other things too). Or you can use your name or nickname (and leave me your web site url if you have one, but not necessary). Or you can be secretive and choose Anonymous.

A Preview link lets you see what your message will look like and you can send me your message by pawing “Publish Your Comment.”


Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Arff can be loosely translated as hey or excuse me or hello.

So, I'm glad I have your attention because I wanted to welcome you to my blog, or doblog as I like to call it, since it is written by me - Lola - a canine. Why would a dog write a blog you ask. Get serious. If all you could say to humans was a few barking and growling noises, how frustrating would that be? Yeah, well ok then.

So...what will I be writing about? Well, my view of a dog's life. I am an expert at that. Also, what I've learned about humans from those I've met and Saratoga Springs where I live now.

You can learn a little more about me by pawing the link: View My Complete Profile.

Enough for now; it is snack time.