Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Favorite Places

Two new sites were just added today to My Favorite Web Places.

Adirondack Save-A-Stray is a “no kill” (Woof! Woof!) shelter that gave me a temporary home when I first came to this country. They are filled with caring humans as well as animals.

Private Label Aromatherapy is owned and operated by Jill Stewart who makes special aromatherapy products for dogs and she is a certified K-9 massage therapist (Even though Mommy & Daddy pet me a lot, I must try this!). I read her article about aromatherapy for dogs in the latest issue of Healing Springs Journal yesterday. You can too by following the link to the Journal on her web site.



This is William London, III.

On my human family side he is the adopted son of my brother which makes me, I believe, his step-aunt. Humocanineology gets complicated. Let's keep it to London.

He is staying with us while his new home is being set up.

As you can see, he has one eye that always glows when exposed to a camera flash. This is very frustrating to my parents and his dad. They do not realize that London's eyes glow all the time. In fact, if the sunlight catches him just so, both eyes shine giving any bystander the odd feeling they are watching a miniaturized abominable snowman from hell running through the yard.

Going for walks can be a pain too. He gets our leashes tangled because he is not careful like me and always wants to be first. I have to keep bumping him out of the way.

Now, don't take my growling the wrong way. Having London stay with us for a while has been fun. I have an extra dish to eat from, he leaves treats hanging around some times, chewing his toys up is satisfying, and we play with each other a lot, especially outside - he can run almost as fast as I can.

I'll miss him when he goes home.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You Can Call Me...

You can call me anything but don't call me Sue. Daddy calls me a lot of other things.

You would think - if you did - that Lola is a great name (I like it) and no others are necessary. But he has a pocket full of labels for me.

Let's of the first was pointed out by Renee - a first cousin of mine in my human family. She told Mommy & Daddy that for the first month I lived here she thought my name was Lola-no because that was what she always heard them call me. Trumpet Terrier is a name Daddy calls me when I get really excited and I'm trying to let humans in the area know. I kind of like Mighty Mouth because it speaks to what I am trying to do - project! Terrible Terrier is my name when I do things he wished I didn't. He also calls me Animal when I do things like rip one of my stuffed animals apart but he always smiles when he calls me this. Both Mommy & Daddy call me Baby when they are in a good mood and want me to be in one too. I like being called Baby. Our Little Girl is cute but I don't have a clue why they call me this. Mostly, it means I can get an extra treat so I usually sit up and woof a couple of times. Princess is good too. I am called this when they think I get my way too much so I have to be careful. Button is my name when I curl up on the bed or couch to sleep. However, if I'm on the bed stretched out on my tummy, I'm Tube. What is that about? Peanut is another nomer that doesn't compute with me but Daddy says it in a way that he is cool am I.

Ah...the word games humans play. As long as I can still sleep on the bed and get extra treats, they can call me whatever they like.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mahogany Ridge

Going to daycare is one of my favorite things to do. I go every Friday to Mahogany Ridge to visit with Theresa & Jen and play with my friends - Chewie and Darling. Last Friday, Daddy intended to take pictures of all my friends but it was so cold and so wet. Next Friday then.

But, you can go to Mahogany Ridge's link in a new area on my blog and get a preview.

See you Friday everyone! Daddy will have his camera so be ready!
