This is William London, III.
On my human family side he is the adopted son of my brother which makes me, I believe, his step-aunt. Humocanineology gets complicated. Let's keep it to London.
He is staying with us while his new home is being set up.
As you can see, he has one eye that always glows when exposed to a camera flash. This is very frustrating to my parents and his dad. They do not realize that London's eyes glow all the time. In fact, if the sunlight catches him just so, both eyes shine giving any bystander the odd feeling they are watching a miniaturized abominable snowman from hell running through the yard.
Going for walks can be a pain too. He gets our leashes tangled because he is not careful like me and always wants to be first. I have to keep bumping him out of the way.
Now, don't take my growling the wrong way. Having London stay with us for a while has been fun. I have an extra dish to eat from, he leaves treats hanging around some times, chewing his toys up is satisfying, and we play with each other a lot, especially outside - he can run almost as fast as I can.
I'll miss him when he goes home.
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